Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Middle Place

February's Book Selection:

Some Questions to Consider:

Specialists have always claimed that the most difficult relationship occurs between mother and daughter. How could you relate to some of the fights Kelly had with her mother that you've maybe had with your own mom?

Reflecting back on some of those typical arguments between parent and child, did you find a softer place for your own parents and their decisions now that you are also a parent?

How do you think Kelly feels about her own mother? What is the dynamic of their relationship versus the relationship she has with her father?

Is it possible to outgrow childhood without losing a parent? In what ways do our parents keep us in the “child” role?

What is “The Middle Place”? Why is this the title of this book? What does being in The Middle Place mean to Kelly? What does it mean to you?


  1. Our first meeting was fabulous ... can't wait for our second gathering. I am impressed with this book & think all moms would enjoy "The Middle Place".

  2. I agree! I loved the book and I think it's good for fathers to read as well...Her relationship with her dad thoroughly impressed me!
