Monday, August 22, 2011

Talk about "Out of the Box"

I just finished reading the above book and I'm quite shocked...I must admit...This book was written by a Christian author and while I'm not trying to discount all Christian works, generally, they are hard for me to get into. I'm not one to wear my spirituality on my sleeve and I'm not an evangelist of any sort, so when I come upon a book with a lot of spiritual references, I tend to feel "bullied" or "led" down an unwelcome path. This didn't do any of those things for me. The references were quite subtle, but very thought provoking. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks to my dear friend, Lisa, for recommending it. It's definitely "out of the box" for me. I never would have picked it up on my own, but I'm so glad it's a part of my library now! If you have any doubts, just check out the reviews online. Some sites had over 1000 reviews and almost all were 5 stars! How often does that happen?

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